My Birthday

Now I don’t want you to feel bad that you missed my birthday

I know mom said that lots of you posted me lovely Birthday wishes on social media - so thank you from the tip of my waggy tail.

I got a slightly longer walk and I did get some gravy on my dinner which I never ever get, so I knew it was a special day!

Mom even got in the kitchen to do some baking (that doesn’t happen too often I can tell you) Dad was gutted that the star shaped peanut butter biscuits were for me & not him - haha!)

In dog years i’m 70 now!, so I guess I’m heading for retirement soon. I wonder what I will get for services rendered……a gold bone, a new luxurious bed, what do you think would be appropriate, any ideas?

Mom went a bit overboard with photos of me throughout my life - you know what parents are like ……….. embarrassing!

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