All Change

There’s been a bit of a paws in between my blogs - life just got busy - you know how it can be!

We celebrated 4 years of EBB & FLO in January this year, where has that time gone? (thats 28 dog years for me!) I’ll be pensioned off soon I expect.

We have come a long way since then, not just our company, but as a country trying to change our plastic habits and trying to eliminate single use from our lives. I hear mom talking a lot about companies ‘green credentials’ and I don’t think she means they have a nice back garden!

As mom’s a vegetarian (and now vegan) I know she’s always tried her best to find cruelty free, animal free products where she can and to seek out those companies that go above and beyond.

There have been lots of changes in our courtyard too. I was desperately sad to see The Empawrium and my friend Suzanne go, I always sniffed out treats that she didn’t know she had! But in their place is a fantastic new shop called Fill Good Pantry. It’s a zero waste shop, so it complements our shop perfectly with the same kind of ethics. They sell all kinds of loose dry goods, cleaning products, toiletries etc (no dog treats? I will work on them don’t worry)

Claire Quinn